
Gar-Field High School Nurse

Phone: 703-730-7000
Fax: 703-580-1228

Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!

My name is Caroline Woodward, and this is my 1st year at Gar-Field High School. I look forward to meeting you, and encourage you to contact me to discuss any health care needs your child may have. Here is some information, along with links to forms you may need as we begin a new year.


  1. All medications must be brought in by a parent or guardian, as students are not permitted to carry medications on them. A medication administration form must be filled out and filed in the clinic for all medications to be given during the school day. A physician's signature is required for all prescription medications. (Regulation 757-4, "Management of Medication Administration in the School Setting")
  2. Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date, and be sure to have a backup plan in place in case your child is injured or becomes sick, and will need to be picked up.
  3. Please be aware and considerate of the Prince William County Injury and Illness Exclusion Criteria (Reggulation 757-1, Attachment) (PDF) for keeping your child at home when they are sick.
  4. It is of vital importance to have the required paperwork filled out by a physician, and filed with the clinic if your student has any special health care needs, including severe allergies requiring an epinephrine pen, diabetes, seizures, and asthma. This is important even if your child has permission from a doctor to carry their supplies with them.
  5. Please notify the school personnel if your student is absent due to a contagious illness.