August 23, 2024

Dear Gar-Field Families, 

Good evening! I would like to thank all staff and students for a great first week at Gar-Field. We are looking forward to a great school year! Here are some important updates for GF families.

Upcoming Dates:

  • August 29, Home Football Game vs. Unity Reed
  • August 30 & Sept. 2, NO SCHOOL
  • September 5, Back to School Night, 5:45-8:30pm
  • October 9, PSAT
  • October 18, Homecoming Game
  • October 19, Homecoming Dance

Schedule for the week of August 26th:

Week of August 26

Back to School Night

Gar-Field High School's Back-to-School Night will be held on Thursday, September 5th, from 5:45 to 8:30pm.  The Athletics and Activities Fair will be available in the Auditorium Lobby from 5:45 pm to 6:30 pm.  The Title I annual meeting and Principal’s Presentation will be in the Auditorium at 6:00pm (English Language with Spanish Interpretation).  You can meet your student's teachers during the classroom visits between 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm. Student Schedules can be accessed on ParentVUE and will also be available in the Counseling Office.

Senior Class Parent Breakfast

The Senior Class Breakfast will take place on Saturday, September 14th, 2024, from 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Breakfast is served in the lower cafeteria. Please enter through the bus tunnel. The agenda will include important dates, events, frequently asked questions, cap and gown information, and more. Senior students and parents are welcome.Food and beverage will be provided from 8:00a.m. to 8:30a.m. We hope to see you there!

New Student Cell Phone/Wireless Device Use Policy

The new PWCS cell phone and wireless communication device usage pilot is designed to support students in their academic success by removing a major distraction and promoting face-to-face social interactions and connections.Here’s an overview:

  • Personal cell phones/electronic devices, including earbuds, must be silenced and stored away during all instructional periods. Students in violation of this expectation will be required to surrender their device to staff.
  • Dual-purpose watches are allowed, but wireless/cellular features must be turned off during instructional times.
  • Personal electronic devices and one earbud are permitted during lunchtimes and passing times in between classes, except in locker rooms and bathrooms.

Visit the PWCS Cell Phone and Electronic Device Guidelines webpage for more information.

We appreciate your support in creating a focused, engaging, and safe learning environment for all students.

Emergency Preparedness Drills

Gar-Field students will be participating in required crisis management drills this school year. Within the first 20 days of school, students will view a required crisis management training video in class and will participate in 2 fire drills and 2 lockdown drills. We will likely complete a lockdown drill next week. Additional drills will follow throughout the rest of the year.

PWCS Code of Behavior

Gar-Field students will be completing learning activities regarding the PWCS Code of Behavior this week. All PWCS students will complete this activity and corresponding assessment to ensure all students understand their rights and responsibilities as PWCS students. Families can access the PWCS Code of Behavior online.

Student Advisory Classes
Gar-Field students will have Advisory classes this year. Advisory classes will usually be part of the flex period rotation and will be an opportunity to get support from their advisory teacher to check their grades, access academicsupports, and build important academic and interpersonal skills. It will also be a time to build relationships and a sense of belonging with the other students in their advisory class.

Student Laptop Devices

Students need to bring their PWCS device to school every day. Please make sure it is fully charged each day before coming to school.Families are encouraged by the county to purchase insurance on their school issued device. The insurance policies are purchased through a third-party vendor.

Back to School Packet

The Back to School Packet, where parents/guardians can review emergency cards, update contact information, and complete annual policy reviews and acknowledgements, is now available in ParentVUE.All families should complete the Back to School Packet as soon as possible. The information you provide will allow school staff to ensure the safety of your student this school year. To access the Back to School Packet:

  • Login to your ParentVUE account and go to “Online Records” in the top right corner.
  • Written Instructions for completing the Back to School Packet
  • If a parent/guardian needs to make changes to information once they submit the Back to School Packet, they can resubmit anytime by following the same instructions provided above.
  • If you need assistance, or do not have an active ParentVUE account, please contact our Parent Liaison, Mr. Gomez, at [email protected] or 571-298-0600.

Student Drop Off

Students may be dropped off at school starting at 7:00am. The drop off area is located on the south (stadium) side of the school near the drivers ed lot. Please do not drop off on the north (baseball) side of the school. This area must remain clear to allow for buses to safely enter the bus tunnel.

parking lot drop-off

Student Entry

Students may enter the building starting at 7:00am through 3 approved entrance doors only. Student entry Doors are:

  • Door 1 (Main Office)
  • Door 17 (Receiving area near student parking lot)
  • Door 35 (Bus Tunnel)

Late to School?

After 7:30am, all late students must enter through Door 1 (baseball side of school), and check in at the main office. All other doors will remain locked.


Students who plan on driving to school must purchase a parking pass. Parking passes cost $100. Passes will be sold starting the second week of school. Parking enforcement will begin Monday, September 11th. All vehicles, except visitors, parked at school must have pass displayed at that time.

Attendance Matters!

Attendance is the number one predictor of dropout and on-time graduation rates. Consistent attendance every day helps our students build the knowledge and skills they need for future success. Our goal is to connect with parents quickly so that we can remove any barriers that families face in getting students to school on time, every day.

Parents are encouraged to minimize absences during school hours, and to plan family trips and vacations during school holidays. Requests for prearranged absences for longer than one school day, should be for extenuating circumstances and must be submitted in writing your student’s administrator within a reasonable time for the school to review, approve, and assign the absence type of excused or unexcused. Visit the Gar-Field HS Attendance webpage for contact information for your student’s administrator/assistant to communicate attendance excuses or concerns.

Click here to view the PWCS 2024-25 School Calendar.Click here to read more about PWCS Attendance Guidelines.

Student Attendance Requirements for Activities

Students must be present for the full school day to participate in PWCS athletics and activities. Additionally, student participation in extra-curricular events is a privilege. Students with excessive unexcused absences may not be permitted to attend or participate in extra-curricular activities. Students must have 3 or fewer unexcused absences to purchase a ticket to the Homecoming Dance in October. (Students must have 8 or fewer unexcused absences to purchase a ticket to Prom in May).

Outside Food/drinks

Students cannot use mobile ordering to have food delivered. All orders delivered to school will be discarded with no reimbursement to the student.


Lockers will be assigned by student request. We will have an online form for students to request a locker after the first week. Students are permitted to use backpacks/bookbags during the school day.

I encourage you to continue to stay in touch with important updates by visiting our website. We are here to support you. Please reach out to our staff if there is anything we can do to help!


Matthew Mathison
Principal, Gar-Field High School



August 7, 2024

Dear Gar-Field Families, 

Welcome back! I hope all of you are safe, healthy, and excited for the start of the school year! Gar-Field staff are ready to kick off the 2024-25 school year on Monday, August 19th. Our staff is busy planning for the year with a focus on the PWCS Strategic Plan and our school’s vision: Educating future-ready globally minded thinkers. We are all very excited to welcome back our students!

As we look forward to a year focused on learning and student development, I encourage all students to get involved in club, activity, or athletic team. One exciting change is the addition of windows to over 30 classrooms! We will also be working to implement a new cell phone policy this year. Please read below for important information about the new school year.

Upcoming Dates:

  • August 12, Bus Routes available in StudentVUE/ParentVUE
  • August 14, Class Schedules in StudentVUE/ParentVUE
  • Augutst 15, New Student Orientation, 3-6pm
  • August 16, “Walk Your Schedule” Opportunity, 1-3pm, Building is open for students to walk through their schedule and locate their classrooms
  • August 19, First Day: School hours are Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 2:10 pm
  • September 5, Back to School Night, 6-9pm
  • October 9, PSAT
  • October 18, Homecoming Game
  • October 19, Homecoming Dance

New Student Cell Phone/Wireless Device Use Policy
As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we want to share an important update regarding the use of cell phones and wireless devices while at school. The new PWCS cell phone and wireless communication device usage pilot is designed to support students in their academic success by removing a major distraction and promoting face-to-face social interactions and connections.

We believe that a cell phone on a desk or in a pocket provides too tempting a distraction for our students. When the device dings or buzzes, the minds of even the most conscientious students begin to wander. Studies tell us that it can take a brain up to ten minutes to reengage after responding to cell phone distractions. As we have all encountered, phones are not only distractions for their owners but also distractions for teachers and classmates.

What’s Changing:
Starting in the 2024-25 school year, we’ll introduce consistent guidelines for cell phone use in school. Here’s an overview:

High School Students

  • Personal cell phones/electronic devices, including earbuds, must be silenced and stored away during all instructional periods.
  • Dual-purpose watches are allowed, but wireless/cellular features must be turned off during instructional times.
  • Personal electronic devices and one earbud are permitted during lunchtimes and passing times in between classes, except in locker rooms and bathrooms.

Wireless communication devices may be used on school buses if they do not distract the driver, compromise safety, violate other school bus rules and regulations, and/or violate prohibited conduct identified in the Code of Behavior.

In alignment with Governor Glenn Youngkin’s Executive Order 33, which aims to establish cell phone-free education in Virginia, PWCS will be gathering feedback from this pilot program before finalizing the wireless device guidelines and policy by January 1.

Visit the PWCS Cell Phone and Electronic Device Guidelines webpage for more information.

We appreciate your support in creating a focused, engaging, and safe learning environment for all students.

Recommended School Supplies

  • Notebook paper (college rule, loose leaf)
  • Spiral or Composition Notebooks
  • Blue/Black pens
  • Pencils
  • Highlighters
  • Plastic BPA-free water bottles; metal water bottles NOT recommended
  • Use three-ring binders with plastic spines/rings (non-metal).
  • Eyeglass cases should be made of hard plastic, not metal
  • Note: Supplies needed for specific classes will be provided on the syllabus at the beginning of the school year; however, you do not need to purchase the items listed in the syllabus if they are included in the list above.

Student Laptop Devices
Gar-Field High School will be distributing laptops the first week of school in classes during the school day. Students need to bring their PWCS device to school every day. Please make sure it is fully charged each day before coming to school. Families are encouraged by the county to purchase insurance on their school issued device. The insurance policies are purchased through a third-party vendor.

Back to School Packet
The Back to School Packet, where parents/guardians can review emergency cards, update contact information, and complete annual policy reviews and acknowledgements, is now available in ParentVUE. All families should complete the Back to School Packet as soon as possible. The information you provide will allow school staff to ensure the safety of your student this school year. To access the Back to School Packet:

  • Login to your ParentVUE account and go to “Online Records” in the top right corner.
  • Written Instructions for completing the Back to School Packet
  • If a parent/guardian needs to make changes to information once they submit the Back to School Packet, they can resubmit anytime by following the same instructions provided above.
  • If you need assistance, or do not have an active ParentVUE account, please contact our Parent Liaison, Mr. Gomez, at [email protected] or 571-298-0600.

Updated student records are due now to allow for review of immunization compliance. Parents may continue to submit records until noon on Friday, August 16. Students who remain non-compliant will not begin school on Monday, August 19. Parents can access their student's compliance regarding required immunizations in ParentVUE. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Student Schedules
Student schedules will be available through Parent/Student VUE on August 14th. Schedule changes will be extremely limited. GFHS staffed based on requests made by student last Spring. Students and families sent a verification of the course requests with an opportunity to make changes in June. Requests to change at this time due to a change of mind will not be honored.

If you believe there is an error in your student’s schedule, please complete the Schedule Change Form. GF Counselors will be working to fix any errors or issues as quickly as possible. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated!

Bus assignments
Bus schedules are available in ParentVUE and StudentVUE starting Monday, August 12, 2024 Reminder: Make sure to check your child's bus stop as it may be different than last year. PWCS is consolidating bus stops to help ensure students arrive to school on time. Read more about transportation improvements in PWCS. Bus schedules for special education, specialty programs, and Independence Nontraditional will be released the week of August 12.

Student Drop Off
Students may be dropped off at school starting at 7:00am. The drop off area is located on the south (stadium) side of the school near the drivers ed lot. Please do not drop off on the north (baseball) side of the school. This area must remain clear to allow for buses to safely enter the bus tunnel.

Drop off location to the left of the school

Student Entry
Students may enter the building starting at 7:00am through 3 approved entrance doors only. Student entry Doors are:

  • Door 1 (Main Office)
  • Door 17 (Receiving area near student parking lot)
  • Door 35 (Bus Tunnel)


Late to School?
After 7:30am, all late students must enter through Door 1 (baseball side of school), and check in at the main office. All other doors will remain locked.

Students who plan on driving to school must purchase a parking pass. Parking passes cost $100. Passes will be sold starting the second week of school. Parking enforcement will begin Monday, September 11th. All vehicles, except visitors, parked at school must have pass displayed at that time.

 Attendance Matters!
Attendance is the number one predictor of dropout and on-time graduation rates! This year we are increasing communication to our parents and students around the importance of attendance. Consistent attendance every day helps our students build the knowledge and skills they need for future success. Our goal is to connect with parents quickly so that we can remove any barriers that families face in getting students to school on time, every day.

You may receive a letter regarding your students’ attendance in the mail. Please understand that these notifications are to bring awareness on how much school has been missed this school year. We want to work with you to support your students’ consistent daily attendance to drive academic success. If you have questions or feel you may have received a notification in error, please reach out to your student’s administrator.

We understand there are unavoidable illnesses or other times when your child should remain at home. We also know that absences add up quickly, and that “showing up” is critical to your child’s success in school and in life.

Parents are encouraged to minimize absences during school hours, and to plan family trips and vacations during school holidays. Requests for prearranged absences for longer than one school day, should be for extenuating circumstances and must be submitted in writing your student’s administrator within a reasonable time for the school to review, approve, and assign the absence type of excused or unexcused. Click here to view the PWCS 2024-25 School Calendar.

Click here to read more about PWCS Attendance Guidelines.

Free Breakfast and Lunch for Students
Free meals to all students: Breakfast and lunch will continue to be provided at no cost to students for the 24-25 school year.

Outside Food/drinks
Students cannot use mobile ordering to have food delivered. All orders delivered to school will be discarded with no reimbursement to the student.

Lockers will be assigned by student request. We will have an online form for students to request a locker after the first week. Students are permitted to use backpacks/bookbags during the school day.

I encourage you to continue to stay in touch with important updates by visiting our website. We are here to support you. Please reach out to our staff if there is anything we can do to help!


Matthew Mathison
Principal, Gar-Field High School



Estimadas familias de Gar-Field,

¡Bienvenido de nuevo! ¡Espero que todos estén seguros, saludables y emocionados por el comienzo del año escolar! El personal de Gar-Field está listo para comenzar el año escolar 2023-24 el lunes 21 de agosto. Nuestro personal está ocupado esta semana planificando para el año con un enfoque en el Plan Estratégico de PWCS y la visión de nuestra escuela: Educar a pensadores con mentalidad global preparados para el futuro. ¡Estamos todos muy emocionados de dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes!

Disfruté la oportunidad de conocer a muchos de nuestros nuevos estudiantes y familias la semana pasada en la Orientación para Nuevos Estudiantes. Mientras esperamos un año centrado en el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de los estudiantes, animo a todos los estudiantes a participar en clubes, actividades o equipos deportivos. Lea a continuación para obtener información importante sobre el nuevo año escolar.

Fechas siguientes:

  • 16 de agosto , Horarios de clases en StudentVUE/ParentVUE
  • 18 de agosto , Oportunidad de "Camine por su horario", 1-3 p.m., el edificio está abierto para que los estudiantes revisen su horario y ubiquen sus salones de clase
  • 21 de agosto, primer día: el horario escolar es de lunes a viernes, de 7:30 a. m. a 2:10 p. m.
  • 7 de septiembre , Noche de Regreso a la Escuela, 6-9pm
  • 18 de octubre , PSAT
  • 20 de octubre , Juego de Bienvenida
  • 21 de octubre , baile de bienvenida

¿Qué hay de nuevo?

  • Cambios en el personal administrativo y de consejeros : GFHS se complace en dar la bienvenida a varios miembros nuevos a nuestros equipos administrativos y de asesoramiento. Consulte las asignaciones alfa de los estudiantes al final de este mensaje para consejeros y administradores.
  • Actualizaciones de construcción:
    • Los proyectos completados este verano incluyen la eliminación de los compartimentos inferiores de los casilleros para crear espacios comunes abiertos en el vestíbulo inferior. Además, el reemplazo de puertas y ventanas en 4 entradas se completó y la puerta 17 se terminó la semana pasada.
    • La construcción continúa en el campo del estadio y el edificio de concesión. ¡Esperamos con ansias el nuevo campo que debe completarse a finales de este otoño!
  • Sistemas de detección Evolv
    • Este otoño, PWCS implementará sistemas de detección de armas en todas las escuelas secundarias, intermedias y no tradicionales para el año escolar 2023-24. Este es un componente crítico en el protocolo de seguridad de múltiples capas de PWCS para "disuadir, detectar y defender".
    • PWCS implementará esta tecnología de forma escalonada a partir de mediados de septiembre. Gar-Field avisará al menos dos semanas antes de la implementación.
    • Puede encontrar más preguntas frecuentes (FAQ) sobre esta tecnología en nuestro sitio web. Se compartirán comunicaciones y detalles adicionales en las próximas semanas.

Útiles escolares recomendados

  • Papel de cuaderno (regla universitaria, hojas sueltas)
  • Cuadernos de espiral o de composición
  • Bolígrafos azul/negro
  • lápices
  • Resaltadores
  • Botellas de agua de plástico sin BPA; Botellas de agua de metal NO recomendadas
  • NUEVO: Use carpetas de tres anillos con lomos/anillos de plástico ( no metálicos ).
  • NUEVO: los estuches para anteojos deben estar hechos de plástico duro, no de metal
  • Nota: Los suministros necesarios para clases específicas se proporcionarán en el plan de estudios al comienzo del año escolar; sin embargo, no necesita comprar los elementos enumerados en el plan de estudios si están incluidos en la lista anterior.

Dispositivos de estudiantes

La Escuela Secundaria Gar-Field distribuirá computadoras portátiles la primera semana de clases en las clases durante el día escolar. Los estudiantes deben traer su dispositivo PWCS a la escuela todos los días. Asegúrese de que esté completamente cargado todos los días antes de venir a la escuela. El condado alienta a las familias a comprar un seguro en su dispositivo emitido por la escuela. Las pólizas de seguro se compran a través de un proveedor externo.

Paquete de regreso a la escuela

El Paquete de Regreso a la Escuela, donde los padres/tutores pueden revisar las tarjetas de emergencia, actualizar la información de contacto y completar las revisiones y reconocimientos anuales de la política, ahora está disponible en ParentVUE . Todas las familias deben completar el Paquete de Regreso a la Escuela lo antes posible. La información que proporcione permitirá que el personal de la escuela garantice la seguridad de su estudiante este año escolar. Para acceder al Paquete de Regreso a la Escuela:

  • Inicie sesión en su cuenta de ParentVUE y vaya a "Registros en línea" en la esquina superior derecha.
  • Instrucciones escritas para completar el Paquete de Regreso a la Escuela
  • Si un padre/tutor necesita hacer cambios en la información una vez que envía el paquete de regreso a la escuela, puede volver a enviarlo en cualquier momento siguiendo las mismas instrucciones proporcionadas anteriormente.
  • Si necesita ayuda o no tiene una cuenta ParentVUE activa , comuníquese con nuestro enlace de padres, el Sr. Gómez, en [email protected] o al 571-298-0600.


Los expedientes estudiantiles actualizados se deben ahora para permitir la revisión del cumplimiento de las vacunas. Los padres pueden continuar enviando registros hasta el mediodía del viernes 18 de agosto. Los estudiantes que no cumplan con los requisitos no comenzarán la escuela el lunes 21 de agosto. Los padres pueden acceder al cumplimiento de sus hijos con respecto a las vacunas requeridas en ParentVUE . Comuníquese con [email protected] si tiene alguna pregunta.

Horarios de estudiantes

Los horarios de los estudiantes estarán disponibles a través de Parent/Student VUE el 16 de agosto. Los cambios de horario serán extremadamente limitados. El personal de GFHS se basó en las solicitudes hechas por los estudiantes la primavera pasada. Los estudiantes y las familias enviaron una verificación de las solicitudes de cursos con la oportunidad de hacer cambios en junio. No se aceptarán las solicitudes de cambio en este momento debido a un cambio de opinión.


Si cree que hay un error en el horario de su estudiante, complete el Formulario de cambio de horario . Los consejeros de GF trabajarán para corregir cualquier error o problema lo más rápido posible. ¡Su paciencia y comprensión son muy apreciadas!

Asignaciones de autobuses

Consulte en ParentVue el número de autobús de su estudiante. Los horarios de los autobuses estarán disponibles en ParentVUE el 14 de agosto. Le recomendamos que descargue la aplicación móvil Here Comes the Bus que le permite rastrear los autobuses de su estudiante en tiempo real. Vuelva a consultar con frecuencia en ParentVUE , ya que pueden ocurrir cambios en las paradas de autobús y los horarios hasta el primer día de clases.

Entrega de estudiantes

Los estudiantes pueden ser dejados en la escuela a partir de las 7:00 am. El área de entrega está ubicada en el lado sur (estadio) de la escuela cerca del estacionamiento de conductores. Por favor, no los deje en el lado norte (béisbol) de la escuela. Esta área debe permanecer despejada para permitir que los autobuses ingresen de manera segura al túnel para autobuses.

Park to the left of the school

Entrada de estudiante

Los estudiantes pueden ingresar al edificio a partir de las 7:00 am a través de 3 puertas de entrada aprobadas únicamente. Las puertas de entrada para estudiantes son:

  • Puerta 1 (Oficina Principal)
  • Puerta 17 (Área de recepción cerca del estacionamiento de estudiantes)
  • Puerta 35 (Túnel de Autobuses)


¿Tarde para la escuela?

Después de las 7:30 a. m., todos los estudiantes que lleguen tarde deben entrar por la Puerta 1 (lado de la escuela de béisbol) y registrarse en la oficina principal. Todas las demás puertas permanecerán cerradas.


Los estudiantes que planean conducir a la escuela deben comprar un pase de estacionamiento. Los pases de estacionamiento cuestan $100. Los pases se venderán a partir de la segunda semana de clases. La vigilancia del estacionamiento comenzará el lunes 11 de septiembre. Todos los vehículos, excepto los visitantes, estacionados en la escuela deben tener un pase a la vista en ese momento.


¡La asistencia importa!

¡La asistencia es el predictor número uno de las tasas de abandono escolar y graduación a tiempo! Este año estamos aumentando la comunicación con nuestros padres y estudiantes sobre la importancia de la asistencia. La asistencia constante todos los días ayuda a nuestros estudiantes a desarrollar el conocimiento y las habilidades que necesitan para el éxito futuro.

Una nueva estrategia incluye un sistema de gestión de asistencia, Attention2Attendance , que realiza un seguimiento cuidadoso de la asistencia y garantiza que los padres sean notificados de manera oportuna y constante. Nuestro objetivo es conectarnos con los padres rápidamente para que podamos eliminar las barreras que enfrentan las familias para que los estudiantes lleguen a la escuela a tiempo todos los días.

Es posible que reciba una carta con respecto a la asistencia de sus estudiantes por correo. Por favor, comprenda que estas notificaciones son para concienciar sobre cuánta escuela se ha perdido este año escolar. Queremos trabajar con usted para apoyar la asistencia diaria constante de sus estudiantes para impulsar el éxito académico. Si tiene preguntas o cree que puede haber recibido una notificación por error, comuníquese con el administrador de su estudiante.

Entendemos que hay enfermedades inevitables u otros momentos en los que su hijo debe permanecer en casa. También sabemos que las ausencias se acumulan rápidamente y que "aparecer" es fundamental para el éxito de su hijo en la escuela y en la vida.

Se alienta a los padres a minimizar las ausencias durante el horario escolar y a planificar viajes familiares y vacaciones durante las vacaciones escolares. Las solicitudes de ausencias preestablecidas por más de un día escolar deben ser por circunstancias atenuantes y deben presentarse por escrito al administrador de su estudiante dentro de un tiempo razonable para que la escuela revise, apruebe y asigne el tipo de ausencia justificada o injustificada. Haga clic aquí para ver el calendario escolar de PWCS 2023-2024.

Haga clic aquí para leer más sobre las pautas de asistencia de PWCS.

Desayuno y Almuerzo Gratis para Estudiantes
Comidas gratis para todos los estudiantes: El desayuno y el almuerzo se seguirán brindando sin costo a los estudiantes este año debido a que GFHS recibió recursos del Título I para el año escolar 23-24.

Comida/bebidas al aire libre

Los estudiantes no pueden usar pedidos móviles para recibir alimentos. Todos los pedidos entregados a la escuela serán descartados sin reembolso al estudiante.


Teléfonos celulares y dispositivos personales

Las aulas de GFHS son una “Zona libre de distracciones” durante la instrucción. GFHS se compromete a garantizar que los estudiantes puedan concentrarse en el aprendizaje. Los teléfonos celulares, auriculares y otros dispositivos personales deben silenciarse y guardarse durante la instrucción. Los teléfonos celulares deben mantenerse en una mochila o bolso de mano durante el tiempo de clase.


Los casilleros se asignarán a pedido del estudiante. Tendremos un formulario en línea para que los estudiantes soliciten un casillero después de la primera semana. Los estudiantes pueden usar mochilas/mochilas durante el día escolar.

Le animo a que continúe estando en contacto con actualizaciones importantes visitando nuestro sitio web. Estamos aquí para apoyarte. Comuníquese con nuestro personal si hay algo que podamos hacer para ayudarlo.


Matthew Matthison
Director, Escuela Secundaria Gar-Field